- Recent major events around the world have substantially increased the risk exposure of supply chains
- Organisations must understand their exposures and how to position themselves favourably in a challenging insurance market.
A series of recent major events such as severe weather, geopolitical issues, and the COVID-19 pandemic, combined with global rationalisation, have all substantially increased the risk exposure of supply chains across the world. Businesses are faced with a challenging insurance market, increasing exposure on their balance sheets and the retraction of insurers to cover the risk.
In this Virtual Aon Insights Series Pacific 2021 session, our experts discuss how businesses can assess their risk appetite, reduce their exposure and favourably position themselves in the market.
Speakers include:
- Rob Cusack, Director Consulting Services, Aon
- Sarah Worpole, Placement Director, Aon
- Jonathan Dent, Group Manager, Insurance, Origin Energy
Please view the session recording below.