- In a context of intense geo-political and macro-economic volatility, it is critical for businesses to be alert to the specific trends that may affect their ability to trade and/or access finance.
- Our global Q4 2022 Credit Solutions Market Insights Report shares insights to help organisations navigate changing credit insurance market dynamics.
The needs and applications of credit insurance are intensifying.
Claims are now back in the market after two years of benign conditions created by government support measures introduced in the pandemic. Carrier results published through Q3 indicate high levels of credit limit capacity and appetite in the market together with healthy loss and combined ratios. However, frequency losses are now normalising to pre-pandemic levels and the outlook for 2023 is marked by economic headwinds, heightened geopolitical tensions, and increased volatility. The economy is settling into a regime of “stagflation” and business insolvencies are expected to rise significantly.
In today’s liquidity crunch with rising interest rates and inflated commodity prices, the role of credit insurance has never felt more relevant. Our Q4 2022 Global Credit Solutions Market Insights report explores:
- Global monetary tightening and supply chain issues and pressure on global trade and insolvencies
- Carrier financial results and market update
- Regional underwriting market trends
- Industry and geographic credit limit trends
- Credit and capital solutions for M&A situations