Marked as the second highest risk in Aon’s 2020 Independent Schools Risk Survey following Brand & Reputation, exposure to Safety-related risks for students and staff remains a critical concern for schools. If brand and reputation is a key concern for independent schools’ leadership teams, a comprehensive approach to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of students and staff is integral to mitigating that risk. Safety risks entail critical components that concern all Australian schools: Work, Health & Safety (WHS), Historical Sexual Abuse, Student-on-Student Attacks, and the Wellbeing of school staff. Given the vastness of topical concerns identified by schools in relation to safety, we have compiled three sessions to cover risk mitigation strategies for; School WHS, Staff Wellbeing (spotlighting mental health and the impact on Talent Retention) – both presented by Mario Machado, Safety Lead at Aon, and Student Safety (spotlighting allegations of sexual abuse including student-on-student claims) – presented by special guest speaker Amanda Ryding, Partner at Colin Biggers & Paisley.
Continue ReadingWebinar Recording: WHS In A New Environment
While the vast majority of schools (83%), surveyed say they have comprehensive work health and safety (WHS) policies in place, there is nonetheless a worrying number that don’t seem to be sufficiently engaged in ensuring they meet the ever-increasing WHS requirements of governments and regulatory authorities.
In this free webinar, we explore the key findings of the risk report regarding a school’s exposure to Safety-related risk. Our team will provide you with valuable insight on how to build better resilience to the risks associated with WHS.
Watch NowWebinar Recording: The Evolving Landscape of Child Protection
The digitalisation of communications has resulted in greater exposures for schools to be hit with sexual abuse allegations, which can have devasting results to it’s brand and reputation. With reference to the National redress Scheme, we discuss the exposure of not only staff-on-student, but also the rising number of cases for student-on-student attacks. Though an uncomfortable topic, schools must attack the issue head-on and take the highest preventative measures to mitigate these risks. Please watch our talent edition in this webinar series to learn safety-risk mitigation strategies at staff-level. This webinar recording below explores preventative measures and procedures schools must implement to protect its students, as well as what to do in the unfortunate circumstance where an abuse claim is filed.
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