School Governing and Changes to Legislation – How will the New Environment Impact You?
In this free webinar recording, we explore why school governance, including changes to government legislations, was identified as one of the top risks by independent schools across Australia in Aon’s 2020 Independent Schools Risk Report.
Twenty years ago, a position on a school Board was a pleasant, non- taxing, voluntary role. The increasingly complex nature of school management today, coupled with a tighter regulatory environment, has led to heightened expectations from the stakeholder community. This leads to the belief that the competencies of school Board Directors are on a par with those in the corporate world. Over the next twelve months, in a post-COVID-19 environment with its business continuity and financial risk implications, good governance and oversight from Boards will be vitally important.
Continue ReadingIn addition to their corporate responsibilities (including finance, competition reputation, regulatory compliance – and more), school Boards also need to understand sector-specific and pastoral issues, such as oversight around student and staff safety and wellbeing.
Click the Watch Now link below to view this recording, featuring AIS’s (Association of Independent Schools) Head of Governance, Chris Duncan and Governance Evaluator’s CEO, Fiona Mercer. Stay tuned to hear Aon’s top risks to mitigate these risks, delivered by Aon’s Head of Industry, Kevin O’Reilly.
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